A Humorous Look into the World of SEO:
My Personal Journey from the In-House Marketing Department Graphic Designer to SEO Guy

To "In-House" SEO Guy

✓ But first a quick little seo tip, just so that you know we think we know what we're talking about:

The Mandela Effect
Does your website say
what you think it says?

Did Capt. Kirk ever actually say;
"Beam me up Scotty"?

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No, Captain Kirk never actually said that, that's an example of the Mandela Effect

Do your web pages actually say what you think they say?

Featuring an Original SEO Comic Strip:


(Cartoon views from an office in transition, where the owners son graduates with a marketing degree and well if you haven't experienced this personally yet, here's what happens...)

seo humor seo cartoons age discrimination in the workplace humor age discrimination in the workplace cartoons humorous millennials in the workplace cartoons millennial humor millenial cartoons millennial boss in office social media humor cartoons digital marketing humor

The newly entitled Prince celebrates and is contemplating his first decision as head of the marketing department.

seo humor seo cartoons age discrimination in the workplace humor age discrimination in the workplace cartoons humorous millennials in the workplace cartoons millennial humor millenial cartoons millennial boss canning older employees firing staff red stapler cartoon red swingline stapler cartoon social media humor cartoons digital marketing humor

The Prince decides to hire a new young staff. But keeps one seasoned employee, the graphic designer, with print and web experience and only person in the company that knows anything about seo. (But as we all know, everyone wants to be creative and sooner or later, an seo.)

Introducing the social media team. The marketing department fills with know-it-all marketing millennials, chats, stylish laptop bags and Starbucks seo humor seo cartoons age discrimination in the workplace humorous millennials in the workplace cartoons humor age discrimination in the workplace cartoons millennial humor millenial cartoons millennial boss canning older employees firing staff red stapler cartoon red swingline stapler cartoon social media humor cartoons digital marketing humor

(Introducing the social media team.)
The marketing department fills with know-it-all marketing millennials, chatting with stylish laptop bags and Starbucks Grandes.

The social media millennial marketers concentrated on getting Likes, Followers and Shares…

social media millennial marketers concentrated on getting Likes, Followers and Shares likes vs ranking serp results seo humor seo cartoons age discrimination in the workplace humor age discrimination in the workplace humorous millennials in the workplace cartoons cartoons millennial humor millenial cartoons social media team getting likes cartoon social media humor cartoons digital marketing humor

…But how do you actually measure the value of "Likes"? How do they compare to ranking SERP results?

how do you actually measure the value of Likes How do they compare to ranking SERP results seo humor seo cartoons age discrimination in the workplace humor age discrimination in the workplace humorous millennials in the workplace cartoons cartoons millennial humor millenial cartoons social media team getting likes cartoon social media humor cartoons digital marketing humor

Social Media Images vs SEO img Optimization
Things were going along just fine until one day…

Social Media Images vs SEO img Optimization Things were going along just fine until one day seo humor seo cartoons age discrimination in the workplace humor age discrimination in the workplace cartoons humorous millennials in the workplace cartoons millennial humor millenial cartoons social media team getting likes contest cartoon social media humor cartoons digital marketing humor
 alexa ranking cartoons Even with their goal of getting their Alexa ranking below 100 in sight, time after time the SEO guy gets no respect. seo humor seo cartoons age discrimination in the workplace humor age discrimination in the workplace cartoons millennial humor millenial cartoons social media team getting likes cartoon the value of likes cartoon social media humor cartoons digital marketing humor

Even with their goal of getting their Alexa ranking below 100 in sight, time after time the SEO guy gets no respect.

seo humor seo cartoons age discrimination in the workplace humor age discrimination in the workplace cartoons humorous millennials in the workplace cartoons millennial humor millenial cartoons image optimization cartoon social media humor cartoons digital marketing humor

Print Writing vs Web Writing
Before you know it the "SEO" guy was becoming a "SEOS" (Search Engine Optimization Suggestion) guy.

Before long the SEO guy was called into the conference room and fired!

But this is exactly what he was waiting for. Now he could collect unemployment while preparing to start his own SEO company...

seo humor seo cartoons alexa ranking cartoonage discrimination in the workplace humor age discrimination in the workplace cartoons humorous millennials in the workplace cartoons millennial humor millenial cartoons social media team selfie cartoon social media humor cartoons red stapler cartoon red swingline stapler cartoon digital marketing humor

So weeks later, working his magic out of his home office...

yellow lined notepad cartoon

Later that day...

torn note pad page cartoons

Stay tooned, more on the way.

Email for Custom SEO Cartoons and Consulting Services.

✓ SEO Humor ✓ SEO Cartoons
✓ Age Discrimination in the Workplace Humor
✓ Social Media Marketing Cartoons